This research aims to study the consistency of the Act No 42 of 2008 concerning the generalelection on president and vice president related to the principles of democracy as stipulated in
the constitution of Indonesian republic of 1945. This research uses statutory and conceptual
approaches. The object of the research is the policy of the general election on president and vice
president. While the subject of it are the parliament and government as legislator. The legal
material of the research consists of regulations, books, papers and other supporting literature
which will be analyzed through normative-deductive approach. The research discovers that ,
firstly the preamble and its main content of the constitution of Indonesian republic of 1945 have
shown the people sovereignty , democratic principle and recognition of human rights; secondly the Act No 42 of 2008 which become the implementing rules of the general election on president and vice president is less consistent to the spirit of the constitution of Indonesian republic of 1945. The policies of the presidential threshold dan the implementation mechanism of the phased general election have reduced the democratic principles on freedom, equality, justice and accountability.
Keywords: democratic principles, the general election on president and vice president
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DownloadsDocuments4._AIDUL_FITRICIADA. Kekuasaan Kehakiman Yang Merdeka Dan Bertanggung Jawab Di Mahkamah Konstitusi: Upaya Menemukan Keseimbangan.
Pemilihan Umum,
Sistem Pemilu,
Tinjauan Singkat Tentang Sistem Pemilu Yang Diusulkan Dalam rancangan Amandemen Terhadap Undang-Undang Nomor 3 Tahun 1999 Tentang Pemilu,
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