The land acquisition process for public interest in many case don’t work properly. It usually causedby the reluctance of land ownership right holders to release their land. Generally because they
felt their rights were unprotected especially the right to get proper compensation. This research
aimed to find out and to understand about legal protection to the land ownership right holders
in land acquisition for public interest and its implementation by studied case of land acquisition
for PLTU (steam power plant) development in west Lombok . This research used a normative–
sociological research method which focus on the “realization and implementation†of normative
legal (in abstracto) in certain legal case (in concerto) or in other phrase methods of this research
meant to see how legal works in the society. Research result shown that land ownership right
holders in land acquisition for PLTU development in west Lombok did not get optimum legal
protection which caused by unserious attention from the regulation of land acquisition for public
interest to this matter. Beside that, the official of land acquisition for public interest did not gave
their maximum effort to protect related rights and the reluctance of land ownership right holders
to registered their land also causing lack protection of their rights.
Keywords: Legal Protection, Land Acquisition
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