Legal Regulation of E-courts in Ukraine as an Element of Access to Justice for the Protection of Individual Rights
Electronic Judicial Procedure, Access, Justice, Protection, And Rights of Individuals.Abstract
The purpose of the research is to consider electronic judicial procedure as an element of access to justice regarding protection of rights of individuals. The assessment of the effectiveness of the judicial system in Ukraine in 2023 was 2.73 points on a 5-point scale. The judicial index consists of three equivalent components: the assessment of the level of trust in the judicial system of the CEOs of the EVA member companies, which this year was 2.17 points; the assessment of the impartiality of the judicial system, which is 2.88; and the average assessment of seven factors of the organization and operation of the judicial system, which is 3 and 13 points. It has been established that that certain elements of digitalization of social processes change the social space and, in particular, the mechanisms of judicial proceedings. In the process of the development of society, certain factors came to life and these factors led to the growth of the role of information and, and therefore, to a clearer allocation of the information function in the field of jurisprudence. The following conclusion was made: the need to use information technologies in the judiciary is due to the global informatization of modern society and the development of new forms of interaction in the civil sphere with the use of electronic means of communication: the global Internet, mobile and satellite communication systems, etc. “E-court” involves the use of information and communication technologies in the process of implementing procedural legislation. The novelties of the judicial system are aimed at expanding accessibility of justice in conditions of territorial peculiarities of the Ukrainian state, improving the quality of the process and efficiency, and achieving transparency and openness in the judicial system.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Artur Gordienko, Emin Najafli , Yevhen Kobko, Viktoria Savenko, Iryna Korostashova

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